Thursday, September 17, 2009

House rebukes Wilson for outburst

The U.S. House has voted to admonish South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson over his "You lie" outburst to President Barack Obama during the president's health care speech to Congress last week.

The 240-179 vote on the resolution of disapproval reflected the sharp partisan divide over the issue. Democrats insisted that Wilson take responsibility for what they said was a serious breach of decorum.

Republicans characterized the vote as a political stunt.

Wilson's outburst sparked a strong reaction from some folks, who say they will no longer travel to South Carolina because of it.

It's another public relations blow to a tourism industry that was already struggling from the recession.

It was not lost on some people that a white South Carolina congressman accused the nation's first black president of being a liar.

After Wilson's outburst, tourism leaders say they received hundreds of calls and e-mails.

"Most Americans won't judge an entire state based on one person's comments singly, but it's not the kind of publicity we're looking for," said Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce president Brad Dean.

Dean says after Wilson apologized to the president, the calls dropped off and he doesn't expect any long term impact on tourism.

Most tourists NewsChannel 15 talked to say Wilson's outburst wouldn't effect their decision to visit the state.

"It wouldn't, no, for me coming back. It wouldn't hinder that," said Kevin Akers of Roanoke, Virginia.

"Myrtle Beach is comprised of a lot of different people. That was just one person," said Chris Siddall of Ackworth, Georgia.

But some tourists told us they understand how others may look at it differently.

"I can see it being an issue for some people, yeah," said Graham Catto of Aberdeen, Scotland.

In a state still struggling with its past, where the Confederate flag is considered by some to be an unsettled issue, Wilson's comment could be seen as fitting into a pattern.

But tourism officials say, they don't think travelers will think of those things when they decide where to go on vacation.

"Most people that come here come because of the beautiful beaches and all we have to offer and they don't let one particular politician's viewpoints impact them," Dean said.

A USA Today/Gallup poll showed 68 percent of Americans said they "oppose what Joe Wilson did during the speech."

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